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Frequently Asked Questions

Perryton High School

1. Does my child sign the pledge each year?

Yes, this can be done during PHS pre-registration in the Spring. Pledge contracts are always available at the college as well. The pledge requires a student and parent signature. No pledges are accepted after each year. The signing process reaffirms the student’s commitment to his/her high school education.


2. How does a student lose PATHWAYS eligibility?

If your child withdraws from Perryton High School, he/she loses eligibility. Also, any student not meeting the 3 core requirements may be removed from Pathways: Grades, Attendance, and Discipline.


3. What about discipline?

The scholarship requires that students follow all school rules and regulations. The following discipline point system will apply:

Assignment to DAEP—4 points; Probation—6 points; Expelled—10 points. If a student accumulates a total of 10 points or more cumulatively during high school, he/she will be removed from PATHWAYS.


4.  What does remain continuously enrolled mean?

PATHWAYS students have to attend Perryton High School all four years without withdrawing. If a PATHWAYS student withdraws from Perryton High School for any reason or length of time, he/she permanently loses his/her PATHWAYS eligibility.


5.  What grade does my child have to earn?

Your child must have an overall 80 grade point average by the end of the junior year in order to remain in Pathways.


6. Is there an attendance requirement?

Yes, students are required to meet a 95% cumulative attendance record. This is equivalent to 9 absences per year or 36 absences for all four years. Excused and unexcused absences count equally. Absences for school activities do not count.


7. What about U.S. Citizenship?

Non-citizens may qualify for dual credit funds during their senior year in high school. However, students must be a US Citizen or permanent resident in order to receive Pathways funds after graduating high school.


8. What do I need to do as a parent?

*Encourage your child to communicate with teachers about progress

*Contact teacher/counselor to set up conferences and tutorials if needed

*Encourage good study habits at home

*Talk about college and plans after high school

*Encourage involvement in clubs/activities


9. What does PATHWAYS pay for?

*The PATHWAYS scholarship pays the unfunded cost of tuition, fees, and books. Students apply for scholarships and FAFSA their senior year. All other federal and private aid awarded is applied first, then PATHWAYS funds are applied.

*The PATHWAYS scholarship will pay $30 per credit hour for dual credit courses during the 12th grade year.  This is subject to change from year to year based on available funds. 

*PATHWAYS scholarship money is for Frank Phillips College and is not transferable to any other college or university.


10.What does PATHWAYS offer me besides the scholarship?

*Early intervention for grades and attendance

*Information and assistance during high school regarding aspects of higher education including:

-financial aid workshops

-assistance with college paperwork

-special college orientation and registration

-ongoing support and encouragement in high school and college


11. My child wasn’t in Pathways his freshmen year, may he enroll as a sophomore? 

No, he may not. Students must enroll as a freshmen and every year after that in order to remain eligible.

Frank Phillips College

1. Do I need to complete the FAFSA while in college?

Yes, you must submit the FAFSA by June 1 each year and make certain that you complete the entire FAFSA process. 

2. Is there an outside scholarship requirement?

Yes, you must apply for the FPC scholarship each year.  It is due in April.

3. May I attend another college and still remain Pathways eligible?

You have one year after graduation to enroll at FPC and remain Pathways eligible. Once you start at FPC, then you must remain continuously enrolled.


4. Will Pathways help pay for summer classes?

The Pathways scholarship will consider helping with the cost of summer courses if a student has successfully completed 24 credit hours at Frank Phillips College Allen Campus. This must be approved by the Pathways director and college advisor.


5. What does Pathways pay for?

Pathways guarantees payment of tuition, fees, and books at Frank Phillips College Allen Campus for 60 hrs.  Pathways is the “last money in.”  Any money received from grants and other scholarships will be applied first. 


6. May I attend college at the Borger campus?

If the program/course is not offered at the Allen Campus, but is offered in Borger, then Pathways will guarantee payment of tuition, books, and fees for you to complete the program/course in Borger.


7. May I take all of my courses online and still qualify for Pathways?

No, online courses should only be taken when a course is not available in person. 


8. What is expected of me as a Pathways student?

Pathways students must be a full-time student at FPC Allen Campus and maintain a 2.0 GPA.  You are also expected to participate in volunteer opportunities throughout the year.  Make sure you join the Remind app. That is the way I communicate with you about the volunteer activities.                      



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